Welcome to Equity in Theatre

McIntrye, Hope


Hope is originally from Saskatchewan, where she received her BFA in theatre performance. She then received her MFA in directing at the University of Victoria, completed a performance apprenticeship in England and spent three years working in theatre in Toronto before resettling in Winnipeg. Hope is in her eleventh year as Artistic Director of Sarasvàti Productions. She is a published playwright, and has received awards and productions for her scripts across Canada, the U.S., and Australia. Her play Death of Love won UNI Theatre's International Playwriting Contest in 2000. Hunger has been published in Meriwether Publishing's International Plays for Young Audiences. Trauma won Theatre in the Raw's One-Act Play competition in 2001. Revisioning is published by One Act Play Depot and was runner-up for the Jane Chambers Playwriting Award 2002. In 2006 Hope was awarded the YWCA Women of Distinction Award for Arts and Culture. She has received numerous grants and awards to develop new scripts including Have Mercyand her current work EDEN. She has taught theatre at Mount Allison University, Brandon University and the University of Manitoba. She currently teaches at the University of Winnipeg's Department of Theatre and Film and is Past President of the Playwrights Guild of Canada. Complimenting her work as a playwright and teacher, Hope continues to freelance as a director and performer. For information on Hope McIntyre's full repertoire of scripts visit: www.hopemcintyre.ca

Professional Role(s): 