Jacqueline Russell is a Calgary based director and performer and playwright. Jacqueline's directing credits include: A Christmas Carol (The Keyano Theatre Centre), One Good Marriage (Lunchbox Theatre), Weaving Yarns (Calgary Young Peoples Theatre), The Moon Between (Calgary Opera), Peg and The Yeti, Munsch-o-rama (New West Theatre), Invasion of the Pine Beetles (Evergreen Theatre) and The Underpants (Theatre BSMT). During the summer of 2014 Jacqueline was an artist in residence at the Manitoulin Conservatory for Creation and Performance, where she co-created (with Jed Tomlinson) and performed The Sama Kutra (directed by renowned Canadian clown Michael Kennard). Jacqueline was the RBC Emerging Director at Lunchbox Theatre in 2013-14, the Artistic Producer for Evergreen Theatre in Calgary from 2008-2013 and is presently the Artistic Director for Urban Curvz Theatre (www.urbancurvz.com)