Want to find out more about women in theatre? Below are useful links, databases and resources with information on playwrights, designers, performers, productions companies, theatre organizations and more!
Member Listings and Other Databases:
Ad Hoc Assmebly - Catalogue of Works: https://adhocassembly.wordpress.com/indivisible-report/catalogue-of-works/
Associated Designers of Canada - member listing: http://www.designers.ca/members
Canadian Institute for Theatre Technology - member listing: http://www.citt.org/cgi/page.cgi/member_directory.html
Canadian Theatre Encyclopedia: http://www.canadiantheatre.com/
Canadian Women Director’s Catalogue: Click here!
Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance - member listing: http://ipaa.ca/members/membership-directory/
Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas - member listing: http://www.lmda.org/civicrm/profile?force=1&gid=10
Playwrights Guild of Canada - member listing: http://www.playwrightsguild.ca/playwrights
Theatre Museum Canada: http://www.theatremuseumcanada.ca/index.html
Toronto Theatre Database: http://ttdb.ca/
Stunt List Canada - member listing: http://www.stuntlist.com/canada-members
Women’s Theatre Companies and Festivals:
Athena Theatre Company, Crapaud, PEI
B Current (Rock Paper Sistahz Festival), Toronto, ON
FemFest (Sarasvati Productions), Winnipeg, MB
Full Figure Theatre, Vancouver, BC
Gailey Road Productions, Toronto, ON
Half the Sky, Hamilton, ON
Handsome Alice, Edmonton, AB
HomeFirst, Halifax, NS
Hysteria Festival, Toronto, ON
Imago Theatre, Montreal, QC
Insatiable Sisters, Toronto, ON
Maggie Tree, Edmonton, AB
Matadanze, Toronto, ON
Nightwood Theatre, Toronto, ON
Ruby Slippers, Vancouver, BC
Sarasvati Productions, Winnipeg, MB
Shameless Hussy Productions, Vancouver, BC
SkirtsaFire Festival, Edmonton, AB
Three Sisters, Ottawa, ON
Tomorrow’s Eve Theatre, Toronto, ON
Wet Ink Collective Society, Vancouver , BC
White Rooster Theatre, St. John’s, ND
Windsor Feminist Theatre, Windsor, ON
Women’s Theatre and Creativity Centre, Halifax, NS
Working Women’s Festival, St. John’s, ND
For more resources, check out Equity in Theatre's Resources