Welcome to Equity in Theatre

Contemporaneity Launch Party

Anandam Dancetheatre is excited to launch CONTEMPORANEITY, a new initiative foregrounding contemporary expressions of Asian, African, Latin American, Arab, and Indigenous dance in Canada.

CONTEMPORANEITY encompasses our mission to have cross-cultural, social, economic and interpersonal relationships weave together in what promises to be an exciting celebration of diversity within the dance community and within our own community.

In a community where “contemporary” often describes a Eurocentric dance genre, this project asks: what if "contemporary" simply meant all of us, now? At the heart of CONTEMPORANEITY is a desire to return to the origin of the word "curation", from the root "cura" which suggests both "care" and “cure”. How can dance care for multiple ways of seeing, experiencing and responding to the dancing body, in all its capacities – solitary, social, sexual, racial, political, communal and ancestral? In a period of decolonization, CONTEMPORANEITY aims to collectively develop a language around the contemporary that is whole, equal and transformative.

Performance @ 8 PM, Opening Reception @ 6:45 PM

Performances include: Carmen Romero (flamenco); Witch Prophet, Esie Mensah (AfroFusion), Hataw (Filipino-Canadian); Ill Nana (queer multiracial); Mafa Makhubalo (gumboot); Supriya Nayak (Odissi); Coco Framboise (contemporary burlesque), Little Pear Garden Collective, Anandam and more. Mesmerizing, energizing, transcendent, these Toronto-based performers are only an introduction to the wide spectrum that Contemporaneity will explore in the coming two years.

Opening Reception includes
- cocktails
- light appetizers
- artist interaction
- silent auction
- 50/50
- and performances by Coco Framboise and Dew Lily

Tickets available for Reception & Performance, and Performance Only

Dec 2 2016 - 6:45pm
9 Trinity Street, Main Stage 313 (3rd Floor), Toronto, Ontario
Event Type: